Microsoft Excel 2016/2019/2021


Excel, like most Microsoft Office products, will usually update automatically. If your version of Excel does not have an update button, you probably have a volume license installed or your company is managing Office updates.
5.0/5 Votes: 2
2023-06-01 11:35:00


Microsoft Excel 2021 is the latest version of the professional and convenient spreadsheet creation and editing application in Microsoft's Microsoft Office 2021 office suite .

  • How to Update Excel on Windows
  • New in Microsoft Excel 2021
  • What's New in Microsoft Excel 2019
  • What's New in Excel 2016?
  • Download
  • Tutorials and tips

Excel 2016 interface

Microsoft Excel 2019 fully converges features from basic to advanced to create spreadsheets and edit quickly and efficiently. The spreadsheet tool in Excel 2019 Full is easier to use and more powerful than before. You can preview trends with 1-click prediction and recommendation charts. Excel 2019 allows you to link tables and perform complex calculations extremely fast with Power Pivot. Insert shapes and merge data to coordinate online spreadsheet processing. You can visualize data with new diagram types like Treemap and Waterfall. In addition, the new Tell Me search table also helps you with many other operations right in Excel.

How to Update Excel on Windows

Excel, like most Microsoft Office products, will usually update automatically. If your version of Excel doesn't have an update button, you probably have a volume license installed or your company is managing Office updates.

Open Excel

Click or double-click the Excel application icon that has a green box with a white "X" on it. This will open the Excel launch page.
If you already have Excel open, make sure you've saved your work by pressing Ctrl+S. Then you can skip to the next step.

Click Blank workbook

It's at the top left of the launch page.

Click File

This option is located in the top left corner of the Excel window. This will open a menu on the left side of the window.

Click on Account

You will find this in the left options column.

Click Update Options

It's in the middle of the window. Clicking on it prompts a pop-up menu.

Click Update Now.

This option is in the pop-up menu.
If you don't see this option, first click Enable Updates in the pop-up menu. You can then find the Update Now option in the pop-up menu.

Allow updates to install

Follow some on-screen instructions or prompts.
Once the updates are installed, the update window will close and Excel will open again.
If there are no updates available, you will not see the update progress window appear.

New in Microsoft Excel 2021

Same author

You and your colleagues can open and work in the same Excel window. This is the Co-authoring feature. When you co-author, you can see each other's changes quickly.

Collaborate better with modern annotations

You have control over when comments are sent to co-authors, and stay productive with a consistent commenting experience across your workbook and other Office applications.

Know who's in your workbook

See who else is working with you and where they are in the workbook.

Refresh image

Work with a modernized visual experience and refreshed new tabs in the ribbon. Experience clean, clean style with a monochrome icon portfolio, neutral color palette, and softer window corners.


Search row by row, find whatever you need in a table or range with XLOOKUP.

LET . function

The LET function assigns a name to the result of a calculation, allowing it to store intermediate calculations, values, or specify the name inside a formula. These names apply only to the scope of the LET function. Similar to variables in programming, LET is implemented through the original Excel formula.

Dynamic array

Write a formula and return an array of values. Accelerate computation and insights with six new functions: FILTER, SORT, SORTBY, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE, and RANDARRAY.

XMATCH function

The XMATCH function finds a specified item in an array or range of cells, and then returns the relative position of that item. You can also use XMATCH to return values ​​in an array.

Sheet View

Create custom views in Excel worksheets without interrupting other people's work.

A new way to access accessibility tools

The Accessibility ribbon includes all the tools you need to create accessible content in one place.

Increase content reach

The Accessibility Checker will monitor your document and notify you in the status bar when it finds something you should see.

Performance improvements

Experience improved performance, stability, and speed in Excel, helping you enter calculations faster from popular Excel functions like SUMIF, COUNTIF, and AVERAGEIF.

Show multiple hidden items at once

You don't have to show each page, you can now show multiple hidden pages at once.

What's New in Microsoft Excel 2019

New function

CONCAT: This new feature is like CONCATENATE but better. Conspicuous, its name is shorter and easier to type. In addition, it also supports range references in addition to cell references.
IFS: Tired of complicated, overlapping IF functions? The IFS function will take care of that. With this function, the test conditions will be in the order you choose. If all is well, the result will be returned. You can also select “catch all” if there are no matching conditions.
MAXIFS: This function returns the largest number in a range of numbers, which meets one or more criteria.
MINIFS: This function is similar to MAXIFS, but it returns the smallest number in a range of numbers that meets one or more criteria.
SWITCH: This function evaluates the expression against an ordered list of values ​​and returns the first match. If there is no match, the result will be “else”.
TEXTJOIN : This function combines content from multiple ranges, and each item is split by the delimiter you choose.

New chart

Map charts : You can create cartographic charts to compare values ​​and show categories across geographies. Use it when you have geographic areas in your data, such as country/region, state, county, zip code, etc.
Make a map chart in Excel

Channel Graph : A funnel graph shows multi-stage values ​​in a process. For example, you can use a funnel chart to show sales prospects at each stage in a sales funnel. The values ​​usually decrease gradually, causing the histogram bars to merge into a channel.
Channel chart in microsoft excel

Advanced Imaging

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) : Make documents, spreadsheets, presentations attractive by inserting scalable vector graphics (SVG).

Microsoft Excel 2019 Support inserting SVG images

Convert SVG icons to shapes: Turn all SVG images and icons into Office shapes so you can change the color, size, and texture.
Insert 3D models to see all angles: Use 3D to increase visual impact and creativity on workbooks. Easily insert 3D model, then you can rotate it 360 degrees.

Improved Ink . function

New ink effects : Express your ideas using metallic pens and ink effects like rainbow, galaxy, lava, ocean, gold, silver…
Excel 2019 supports Lasso

Digital Pen : Write or sketch ideas with the new style pen.
Customizable Portable Pen Set : Create a portable pen set to suit your needs. Office remembers your pen set in Excel on all Windows devices.
Customize the pen set in microsoft excel 2019

Write equations in ink : Writing math equations is easier. You can now Insert > Equation > Ink Equation , any time you want to attach a complex math equation in a workbook. If you have a touch device, you can use your finger or a stylus to manually write a math equation and Excel will convert it to text. If you don't have a touch device, you can use a mouse to write.) You can also delete, select, and edit what you've written.

Write equations in ink in Microsoft Excel 2019
Write Math Equations in Microsoft Excel

New Ink Replay Button : Using Ink in Spreadsheet? You can now replay or rewind the ink to better understand its flow. Your colleagues can also “replay” it for step-by-step instructions. You will find Ink Replay on the Draw tab.
Easy Lasso Selection : Excel now also includes Lasso selection - a free profiling tool for selecting inks. Drag this tool to select the desired ink drawing area, then you can manipulate the object as you like.
Convert an ink drawing to a template : The Draw tab allows you to select an ink style and start creating ink annotations on your touch device. However, you can also convert the ink annotation to a template. Just select them, then click Convert to Shapes. In this way, you can freely draw while ensuring uniformity and normalization of graphic shapes in Office.
Use the Surface Pen to select and change objects : In Excel, with the Surface pen, you can select areas, without even touching the selection tool on the ribbon. Just press the function button on the pen and draw to select the area. You can then use the pen to move, resize, or rotate the ink object.

Better Access Features

One click to fix access errors: Accessibility Checker runs better than before thanks to updated international standards support and utility suggestions to help you access documents more easily.
Help audio, improve accessibility : Enable audio guides as you work.

Easier to share
Insert Recent Links : Easily attach hyperlinks to recently used cloud-based web or files, creating meaningful display names for people using screen readers. To add a link to a recently used file, on the Insert tab, select Link and any file from the list that appears.
Insert link into microsoft excel 2019

View and restore changes in shared workbooks : Quickly see who made changes in shared workbooks, easily restore previous versions.
Quickly save recent folders : This much-awaited feature is available in Excel 2019: Go to File > Save As > Recent. And you will see a list of the most recently accessed folders that can be saved.

Overall improvement

Correct choice
Quick access to superscript and subscript
Upgrade AutoComplete function
New interface: Colorful, Dark Gray and White.
Black background
Break the language barrier
No warning when saving CSV files
Support CSV (UTF-8)
Data Loss Protection (DLP) in Excel
Enhance PivotTable
Personalize the default PivotTable layout
Automatic contact detection
Create, edit, and delete custom measures
Automatically group by time
Data search button in PivotChart
Smart Rename
Many usability improvements
Multiple item selection in Excel Slicer
OLAP PivotTable Faster
Update Power Pivot
Export to Power BI
Get & Transform (Power Query) improvements

What's New in Excel 2016?

6 new diagram types:

Visualizing data on a diagram makes data analysis and reporting easier. In Excel 2016, users will experience 6 new types of diagrams with many familiar formatting options.

Click Insert Hierarchy Chart on the Insert tab to use a Treemap or Suburst chart, click Insert Waterfall or Stock Chart to use a Waterfall or Insert Statistical Chart with Histogram, Pareto, Box and Whisker charts. In addition, you can choose Recommended Charts > All Charts to see all 6 new chart types.

Get and transform data (Query):

Before analyzing, you need to include relevant data in the question you are asking. Excel 2016 integrates the function of receiving and converting data extremely fast, allowing to collect and put all the data to be processed in one location. Previously, to use this feature, you needed to install the Power Query add-in, but now it is integrated in Excel 2016. Access it in the Get & Transform section of the Data tab.

One-Click Prediction:

In Microsoft Excel 2016 , the Forecast function has been extended to make predictions based on Exponential Smoothing (such as FORECAST.ETS()…). On the Data tab, click the Forecast Sheet button to quickly create a prediction function for the data series.

6 new chart types

3D map:

The 3D map tool or Power Map has been renamed and integrated in Excel 2016. That is the 3D Maps feature on the Insert tab.

Calendar Insights Financial template:

Use the new My Cashflow template and Stock Analysis. These templates will keep track of what you earn, how much money you spend, and where you spend it. Quickly analyze and compare each amount over time.

Upgrade PivotTable:

Excel 2016 is considered a powerful and flexible data analysis environment thanks to PivotTables. On Excel 2016, Power Pivot and Data Model have been significantly improved so that users do not spend too much time managing data as before.

Insert image in the right direction:

With the automatic image rotation tool, after inserting the image into Excel, it will automatically rotate with the camera orientation. You can manually rotate the photo in the desired direction if you want.

Work faster with Tell Me:

The Tell Me dialog box appears on the ribbon of Excel 2016 for you to enter words and phrases related to the next action and Tell Me will help you. There is also a Smart Lookup feature to look up terms on the Internet right in Excel without leaving the program.

Managing content in progress:

The Insights panel links to the Bing service, providing more definitions. When you select a word or phrase, right-click it and select Smart Lookup to look up semantics, Wiki articles, and related searches on the web.

Insert the Ink Equation:

Inserting math equations is super easy with the Ink Equation feature. For touch devices, you can use your finger or pointer to write a formula. On a desktop or laptop computer, use the mouse to write formulas, delete and edit as you like.

Excel 2016 adds many new features and tools

Easier sharing:

Select Share on the ribbon to share the spreadsheet with others on SharePoint, OneDrive , or OneDrive for Business .

In addition, Excel 2016 Full has many other upgrades and new features to help users create, edit, and share spreadsheets more easily!

Configuration requirements:

CPU: x86-bit processor 1GHz or higher, x64-bit with SSE2.
Operating system: Windows 7 or later, Windows 10 Server, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2012.
RAM: 1GB RAM (32-bit), 2GB RAM (64-bit).
3GB free hard drive to install and use Word 2016.
Screen resolution: 1024 x 768.
DirectX 10 compatible graphics card.
Multi-touch: requires a touch device to use multi-touch features. However, all features are supported for desktops and laptops with mouse, keyboard or other standard input devices. New touch features optimized for Windows 8 and up.
Network features require an Internet-connected device.
Requires a Microsoft account.


Official Download Link:

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